4: 38pm請問在網上看的鑽石價錢是否與在尖沙咀舖一檥,可否先到貴舖看,然後才落單。 星期日是否營業。Administrator 回覆2014/07/18
10: 06am你好Rita, 在網上看的鑽石價錢是跟尖沙咀舖一樣的, 而付現金可亨3%折扣優惠. 我地網站既shoping cart,只係一個order form. 所以佢只係俾你話我知你既需要同make appointment, 而唔須要做任何payment的! 所以你可以放心,正式既付款只會係你confirm既情況下先進行的. 你可以先選心儀鑽石到shopping cart make appointment, 再到店舖看,然後才落單! 星期日我們沒有營業的. 謝謝! -
joan duguid2014/05/23
5: 14amI am coming over to hongkong 1 week In september, I have bought a couple of rings from you before and liked my purchases. If I came in to buy another diamond ring can you have it made by 1 week?? Look forward to hearing from you kind regards joan duguid from: Aberdeen in Scotland ukAdministrator 回覆2014/05/23
6: 11pmThank you for your enquiry! Whether it can complete within a week, that would depend on the design you selected. Moreover, we also have a number of ready-made diamond rings are offered to you. Don't be worry, we our staff will do our best to help you and satisfy your needs. -
5: 10pm想問指環大小是直接用個mon 的圖來比較嗎?Administrator 回覆2014/05/17
3: 33pm用尺上的數,因電腦上的比例會因 mon不同有偏差! -
11: 43am我有一隻介指想加粒鑽石??有提供這個服務嗎?Administrator 回覆2014/04/09
3: 39pm有的! 但要注意的是,若你要加粒自己的鑽石,我地都需要睇返你粒鑽石本身是否適合! -
7: 46pm請問貴公司有做FANCY PINK 的 DIAMOND 嗎?Administrator 回覆2014/04/09
3: 33pm你好! 現在我們既存貨只有一粒1.04ct fancy orange pink既 GIA梨形鑽石, 價錢為 $ 900,000. -
4: 40pm是不是放在 shopping cart 就代表order 左, 我可以在哪裹看樣版? thanksAdministrator 回覆2014/04/03
1: 35pm係丫! 放左入shopping cart同跟住step俾你既information,之後我地就會聯絡你,預約時間黎店舖睇! -
1: 20pm但我係網上買咪無得試帶? 咁點知岩唔岩?Administrator 回覆2014/03/29
11: 20am其實網上買的只是落單並預約,我們收到order後會約係到店舖看實物的,所以你不用擔心此問題。 -
2: 06pm如果我將我有興趣既鑽石放左入shopping cart之後, 會要做埋payment先得? 可以睇左先confirm俾錢嗎?Administrator 回覆2014/03/24
2: 38pmThanks Eric! 我地網站既shoping cart,只係一個order form. 所以佢只係俾你話我知你既需要同make appointment, 而唔須要做任何payment的! 所以你可以放心,正式既付款只會係你confirm既情況下先進行的 -
1: 56amAs you said you are a diamond wholesaler and jewellery manufacturer and you also have retailer outlet in TST. Say if I want to buy a GIA diamond from you, may I know is there any quality and price different compare to those big chain stores in HK (Chow XX, Luk X) and if yes, what's the different?Administrator 回覆2014/03/24
2: 08pmThank you for your enquiry! As a diamond distributor, we have a large variety of diamond stocks offered to our customers. We can provide more options for customers to select with their requirement and budget. Also, as TST is a outlet store, we have a store distribution chain (compare with the big chain stores). Thus, we are providing the best price to customer with lower cost.
